I get messages like these a lot.

I am glad I do, because its means people care. They don't just want a random tech suit or the most expensive. They want the best one for them. It's the whole reason I started my YouTube channel in the first place. To help people swim as fast as possible and make the right calls when it come to spending cold, hard cash on race suits.
And I do my best to reply. To all of them.
But surely there can be a simpler method to find out what tech suit you should buy than to message me on Instagram or leave a comment on one of my videos. So I set out to make a tool. One that in just a few questions you could be told the tech suit you should buy, for the events that you swim. Here is an example of me using it.
It works for both men and women and will give you three options to choose from, which are ranked in suitability. So go give it a try today and share it with your friends.
While we are on the topic of tech suits, I also recently uploaded a video to YouTube where I swam a dive 25y free, all out, in every flagship tech suit on the market. It is no science experiment but I hope you find it a fun watch, seeing which model will top the table.
Lastly I will just take a minute to plug some merch. While it does support me, that should nto be the reason to buy it. Buy it because it is high quality products that you will wear. Take this cap for example, it is the fastest race cap on the market...
Anyhow I hope you have a good time playing with my tech suit tool and if you end up choosing to buy the arena Primo, maybe this shirt will look cool with it....